Synod on Synodality local meeting
Did you know that when you were baptized you were called to a priestly, prophetic, and kingly mission to bring the good news of salvation and discipleship to all? How is the Church journeying together today in living and advancing its mission? What steps is the Holy Spirit inviting us to take to better journey together going forward? The Holy Father, in seeking to hear from all the People of God on how to better bring the Mission of the Church to the world, is calling for a synod focused around these foundational questions. This synod is starting from the ground up at local dioceses. The Holy Father recognizes that the Holy Spirit dwells within His people, so this synod is to bring us together to discuss how to better further the mission of the Church where the Holy Spirit can work powerfully.
Please consult the Archdiocesan website ( and click on the Synod on Synodality tab to learn more and to sign up for a meeting near you. The meeting for our deanery area is at 10:00 AM on Saturday, January 22nd at Queen of Peace Church. Please sign up and we hope to see you there
As you know, the Holy See has initiated Synod 2021-2023, a two-year process of “reflection and sharing of the whole Church.” Archbishop Schnurr has appointed Deacon John Homoelle to lead and coordinate the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s contributions to this initiative. You can learn more about this at
The Holy Father is asking for as many of the baptized as possible to participate in archdiocese-wide meetings taking place in January and February, 2022, to discuss how we can collectively better advance the message of salvation. Please consider participating in one the several meetings (shown below) scheduled throughout the archdiocese in January and February. To learn more and to sign up, please visit