The Friends of Saint Nicholas, is a group of anonymous parishioners who are following in Saint Nicholas's footsteps by spreading the love of Christ through helping families in Preble County community in need.
The C-1 Family donated their time, talents and treasure to the Community Resource Fair on January 24, 2024. Our parishioners prepared a delicious meal of Chili, Hotdogs, corn, chips, applesauce and cookies. Our dedicated Youth Ministry served the meal while parishioners greeted and spent time with those partaking of the meal. Thank you to the HIT Foundation for hosting this wonderful event for our local community.
There are many ways to get involved at the C-1 Family of Parishes. St. Mary's in Oxford the community programs include Friends of Neighbors in Need, BackPack Program, Right to Life and more! Visitation of the BVM in Eaton has a Community Meal the last Thursday of the Month. It is a free drive thru meal to anyone in need. St. John in New Paris has a free Community Dinner the last Tuesday of every month.
Whether a student, resident or parent... your involvement is valuable and makes a difference!
SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Oxford Family Resource Center would like to create a volunteer list of people who have trucks and/or would be willing to transport/load/unload furniture to families who need it. If you are willing to help, please contact Nicola Rodrigues, PhD, CFLE, Client Services, Family Resource Center, (513) 523-5859, or sign up online at this link:
BackPack Program, Oxford Community Choice Food Pantry and Kroger Community Rewards
Formerly St. Mary's St. Vincent de Paul Society, this organization's mission is to serve the needs of the Oxford Community. All this is done with the generous support of our parish. Volunteers also represent Friends of Neighbors in Need (FONIN) in meeting with clients at the Oxford Family Resource Center. Here are a few examples of what FONIN does:
If interested in getting involved, call the parish office, (513) 523-2153.
You are invited to share our love of quilting and fellowship with the women in our quilting groups.
We work on quilts of Valor, for the ill in the parish, as well as quilts for other charities. We also spend time working on our own individual quilt projects, go on quilt excursions, share our knowledge, learn new techniques and generally have a lot of fun!
We are always open to new people at any skill level. We have had many people join without previous experience.If you have ever considered wanting to learn how to quilt or are currently quilting and are looking to join a great bunch of women, this is the place for you. Just drop in, we love to meet new people!
Every Tuesday
Visitation Quilters @ Visitation of BVM, 9:30 AM-2:30 PM
Every Wednesday
St. Mary Quilt Group @ Camden, 9:30 AM—2:30 PM
For ladies of the parishes to serve and develop relationships with the young ladies in the Newman Center
WINE - Women in the New Evangelization - finds it roots in the final words of the Blessed Mother in Sacred Scripture, where at the wedding in Cana, Mary directs the servants (and us) to “do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5). Therefore, WINE is about doing the will of God, but it is about doing it in fellowship with her sisters in Christ.
The mission of Bereavement ministry is to provide compassionate and loving assistance to
bereaved parishioners and/or family of parishioners by helping them prepare for and participate in the
liturgy of the Mass of Christian Burial. A faith based program offering comfort and assistance for Church
members who have suffered a loss. The intention being to restore, over time, a richness to life through
prayer, hope, caring and other resources. The main activities include:
Help bereaved choose prayers, reading and music for the liturgy;
Encourage and facilitate their active participation in the service.
Prepare a worship aid; Assist at the funeral – those attending as well as the celebrant.
To provide grief support and resources to the bereaved family.
To provide follow-up with the family.
To provide understanding in their grieving process.
To acknowledge that one is not alone, but thought of and prayed for by others.
To provide personal contact to those with a loss.
To provide resources available if family has a need.
St. Mary supports the Right to Life Organization both locally and nationally.
The St. Mary's Right to Life Group and the Oxford Women's Care Center are asking for your support through a Baby Bottle Boomerang during Lent. Please pick up a baby bottle in the vestibule of the church after Mass the weekend BEFORE Ash Wednesday (Mar. 2/3). During Lent fill it with spare change, and return to church the weekend BEFORE Easter.
The Women's Care Center is a faith based organization that offers love and support for anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy. It offers free pregnancy tests, and maternity and baby items to the clients it serves. The Center is located at 10 Reagh's Way next to the Family Resource Center. Thank you for your support.
We appreciate your generosity to the Women's Care Center, whose goal is: "Sharing the Love of Jesus.. One life at a time."
In September, parishioners were invited to spiritually “adopt” and name an unborn child at risk of abortion individually or as a family, thereby giving the baby the humanity he or she deserves. Then they are asked to pray for the unborn child and for all unborn children and their parents, for the power of prayer is great.
Each month, there will be a description of the baby’s development and birth.