There are several ways to make a donation to St. Mary Church. Offertory envelopes (available by request), electronic banking and online through our WeShare Program. Your contributions support the ministries, maintenance, parish outreach and organizations.
Contact Us for Help
You can support St. Mary Church in Oxford and all the C-1 Family of Parishes by making a secure contribution online by clicking the button link below.
Donate to SM, Oxford - Online NOW
When making a donation, please specify where you would like it to go or it will go into the general parish fund.
Offertory envelopes are available for a limited supply in the church vestibule (main entrance of the church). Return the white card, included in the box, and the parish office will keep track of your donations. New envelopes are available in late December.
Electronic banking can be set up through your bank to have a check sent directly to the parish office. No worries about writing a check. Arrangements can be made if you wish for the parish office to keep track of your donations.
Online giving is available through the WeShare program set up by Liturgical Publications. This secure online system will automatically take out your contribution. You choose when and where you want it withdrawn. You can also manage your contributions and make changes as needed. Click HERE to get started.
Tax letters: Due to the increase cost in postage, contribution letters will be sent out by request only. Contact the parish office if you want a letter for tax purposes.