Dear Friends,
It is a privilege and honor to be assigned as pastor to the C1 Family of Parishes. I look forward to meeting and getting to know you. I come from a big Italian family with some German and English on my mother’s side. I am the eleventh born of fourteen children. Seven boys and seven girls. Both my parents and two of my sisters have passed on.
Growing up, we spent most of our time around the dining room table and the Altar. The Church was right across the street, a big gothic church. I remember being an Altar server, especially for 40 hours of adoration in May. Whenever the pastor needed servers, my brothers and I were sent over to the Church. Our pastor was a big, tall German man named Monsignor Ferdinand Evans. He was a wonderful priest who always had time for us kids. He was the reason I wanted to be a priest as a kid.
I spent most of my twenties and thirties in the restaurant business cooking. I love to cook when I have the time. I would spend most of the day in the kitchen if I could. I also have an associate degree in computer network systems from ITT. My hobbies include fishing, reading, watching sports, cigars, and bourbon. Everything in moderation, right?
As we celebrate the arrival of the three Kings in Bethlehem, may we strive to follow their example. They follow the light to meet the newborn King. They come and offer Him their gifts, and after meeting the Messiah who has come into the world, they are changed and must return home on a road different from that which they came from. When we truly encounter Christ and the great love that He has for each one of us, we will go another way because we are changed. The effect of the Eucharist is the transformation from man into God. Our journey through life is meant to transform us from human to the Divine. For this to happen we need an authentic encounter with Christ. May the love of Christ fill you hearts and homes this Christmas season, that more may come to know and encounter that love in you.
God Bless You!
Fr. Jim Romanello
C1 Family of Parishes
Office Located for Preble County Parishes:
Visiation of the BVM Church Hall
407 E. Main Street
Eaton, Ohio 45320
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Contact Staff for Appoinment outside of normal Office Hours.
Office Located for Oxford:
St. Mary Catholic Church
111 E. High Street
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Office Hours:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Contact Staff for Appointment outside of normal Office Hours.