All the ladies are welcome and encouraged to join us at St. Mary, Oxford. We meet once a month. We provide support to local charities and the church. Contact Sharon Gaston for more information.
This organization is open to all ladies of the parish. We meet 2 times a year. Our members proved and serve at funeral dinners and community dinners. We provide items needed for the church. If you are interested please contact Alice Rickard.
All ladies of the church are welcome to join our ladies sodality! We meet twice a year. We provide items for the church and serve funeral dinners. We have a garage sale to help raise money for our parish needs.
All ladies of the church are welcome and encouraged to join our ladies sodality. We provide funeral dinners and items for our church's needs. We have a Christmas Auction to help raise funds for our ministry.
Women in the New Evangelization - finds it roots in the final words of the Blessed Mother in Sacred Scripture, where at the wedding in Cana, Mary directs the servants (and us) to “do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5). Therefore, WINE is about doing the will of God, but it is about doing it in fellowship with her sisters in Christ.