This year we are trying to keep our youth informed about what events we are holding for Youth Ministry and for special events that will be going on during class! After talking to the youth, we have decied that we will use a GroupMe group to maintain this line of communication! If you would like your child to be included on these communications, please sign the group me permission form below! **NOTE** a parent or gaurdian MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE GROUP FOR THE YOUTH TO BE IN THE GROUP PER ARCHDIOSES POLICY!
We get it, Youth Ministry gives you a lot of long forms to fill out during the year for the many activities we do and it gets annoying... but we have a solution! If you fill out the form below, all you will have to do for an activity is sign your name and check a couple of boxes! All of the emergency contact info and medical info will be pre-filled out for you! **NOTE** This is an optional form to help you out but is in no way nessasary **NOTE x2** This form is currently for Youth Ministry only and not open for the rest of Religious Ed!
Youth Ministry is much more than just an extension of CCD, it is about guiding our young adults in our parish in making their faith their own and finding their path in our faith! In Youth Ministry, we strive to empower our youth to live as disciples of Christ, encouraging them to activly participate in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith, and to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. We do this through , Service Projects such as C.A.R.E. and the Community Dinners, Youth Trips and retreats such as the March for Life, NCYC and the Net retreats, and our weekly class on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8. This year we are using Lifeteen's Summit program. This program uses Lectio Divinia to break down and reflect on the next Sundays readings wich allows our teens to understand what is being said and how they can relate it to thier lives!
The last week of classes before Holy week, Youth Ministry, with the help of some CCD classes, put together the live stations of the cross for the CCD students and teachers! The stations of the cross are an old tradition of the Church tracing the journey of Jesus alrong the way of the cross to Calvery in our own church. The students really put a lot of effort in to bring alive this fundemental teaching of our Church!
Every two years Catholic youth from all across the U.S. gather for the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). This year 20 thousand youth, including four of our own from Preble County, attended Mass and Adoration, listened to Catholic speakers, enjoyed worship music, attended concerts, and even viewed a video of the Pope reading a letter addressing the youth attending the conference.
Each summer the youth of our parish volunteer on Wednesday for 6 weeks for our summer service project. Last year's service included cleanup of our campus, clothing drive for tornado victims, planning, executing, and hosting
Vacation Bible School, and performing yard work and odd jobs for parishioners. We wrapped up the program with a pool party and picnic.
Each year our youth make the pilgrimage to our Nation's Capital to prayerfully march for an end to Abortion.
Todd is a 4th Year student at the Univeristy of Dayton, studing Mechanical Engineering. He Graduated Eaton High School in 2017 and has been the Catechist for Youth ministry since Spring of 2020. Todd also is a Kight of Columbus, participates in the Choir at the 11:30 Mass, Lectors, Serves and is an Extrodinary Minister. Todd was very involved in Youth ministry in highschool and hopes that he can give our youth the same good experience that he had!
Todd Catechist
[email protected]
(937) 336-2429
Renee A.R.E.
[email protected]
(937) 768-1987